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How Education Can Improve Your Family’s Health

Fauzia and her family learned how to improve their health through education

Fauzia was raised in a small rural village where women weren’t expected to do more than care for the home and raise children. So, feeling no need to learn, Fauzia grew up caring for her younger siblings while her parents worked, instead of attending school.

After Fauzia married her husband Baldeep, she found contentment in being a wife and mother. Soon, she was a mom of three, and she took great delight in watching her children grow and thrive.

Then—in the blink of an eye—everything changed. Fauzia’s oldest son was struck with a terrible illness and the other two soon followed. They became weak, pale, and could barely eat or drink. Eventually, they couldn’t even move around on their own.

Desperate for a solution, Fauzia and Baldeep consulted friends and family, but no one could help. Since Fauzia had never attended school, she had no practical knowledge of what might improve their condition. They visited faith healers and sacrificed a goat as an offering to their gods. They even sold off family farmlands to pay for the treatments one healer advised, but it was all for nothing.

During this awful time, Fauzia joined an Adult Literacy Class that started in their village. The daily lessons served as a distraction from Fauzia’s worry for her children, and she gradually learned how to read, write, and do basic math. Everyday activities like paying for groceries and navigating the bus routes became easier, boosting Fauzia’s confidence.

One evening, Omaja, the Literacy Class teacher, shared how her faith in Jesus had led her through difficult times. Fauzia then opened up to Omaja about her children’s prolonged illnesses, asking for prayer. Omaja prayed with Fauzia that night, and continued to pray for the children’s health. Almost immediately, her family’s health improved and, eventually, each of the children made a complete recovery!

Moved by their children’s healing, Fauzia and Baldeep began seeking Jesus, praying, and attending church. Although they had been raised to mistrust Christianity, they soon overcame their biases and received salvation!

Fauzia continued faithfully attending the Literacy Class, where she was able to attend special trainings on topics like health education, entrepreneurship, and financial management. Fauzia put what she learned into practice whenever she could.

For instance, the health training taught her about supplements that could boost immunity and aid digestion, so she began giving those to her children. Fauzia was incredibly grateful for the trustworthy health information she learned—it was a far cry from the futile advice she used to follow from faith healers.

Life for Fauzia and her family is altogether happier and healthier than before she joined the Literacy Class. Following Jesus has brought them immense joy and peace, and they are incredibly grateful for all of the blessings God has provided.

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