Suryen: Begger to Happy, Creative Student

Now in his early teens, Suryen had lived a happy life with his family. His father provided for the family, working as a driver. And they had plenty to eat in their small, comfortable home that met all their basic needs. Life was good until Suryen’s father passed away during the first COVID shutdown. This tremendous loss turned the family’s world upside down!
Suryen recalls the terrible time when people could not see their loved ones, shake hands, or even share a meal together. Since Suryen’s mother was illiterate, she could not do anything to support her three children. Additionally, she suffered ailments that prevented her from doing physical labor. Their only option for survival was to beg.
The four of them begged in the streets, going door to door for food and money. Suryen pleaded with people to give him food to satisfy his growling stomach. Life was difficult and painful for the family, who often had to eat food that was going bad or stale.
One day, Suryen was begging outside of a Year-Long Children’s Bible Club, where he heard singing and dancing. He stood and listened for a while before the Club leader saw him and politely asked if he would be interested in joining the other children.
At first, Suryen couldn’t believe his eyes and was skeptical about what he could gain by attending. The leader gave him more details, and Suryen thought he had nothing to lose, so he agreed to try it.
Suryen had a deep desire to study and learn, but given his family situation, he was forced to spend his time begging. When he arrived at the Bible Club that evening, the children there were a bit uncomfortable with his shabby clothing and smell. This made Suryen feel uneasy, so he left without telling anyone.
After learning where he was staying, the Bible Club leader went to Suryen’s house and spoke with his mother. Being careful with her words, she told Suryen about cleanliness and encouraged him to bathe regularly.
The next day, Suryen returned to the club neat and clean! Suryen learned a lot in the Bible Club and gained many valuable insights. He discovered he was very creative and enjoyed drawing inspiring art images.
Suryen had the opportunity to attend a special training on health and hygiene through the Bible Club. He is now keeping his family’s small house neat and clean! Suryen also learned to pray, which has positively impacted his family. So much so that his mother and siblings now pray to Jesus too.
The family has not yet fully surrendered their lives to Jesus. Please pray for them as they learn more about Jesus and how He is the one true God.