A Miracle Restores Sonisha’s Joy

Sonisha, Rahbar, and their two young children lived a simple yet happy life. Rahbar did carpentry work in a nearby factory, and Sonisha took care of the children and household. Although neither of them had been educated, they understood the value and prioritized education for their children.
Their happiness was disrupted, though, when Rahbar began experiencing terrible chest pains. Sonisha took him to the hospital, and he was diagnosed with a heart condition. All the years of inhaling wood dust at the factory had weakened Rahbar’s heart. They visited many doctors, but no one was able to help. In fact, Rahbar only grew worse.
Their formerly happy home was now filled with worry and fear. Sonisha was terrified that she would lose her husband and had no idea how to make a living if he died or became unable to work.
Amid this depression, Sonisha met a woman named Balaja, who was starting an Adult Literacy Class nearby. Balaja told Sonisha about the many ways the program would equip her with skills to make a better life for her family. Sonisha thought this might be the solution to her problems, so she began attending the classes every day.
Sonisha studied diligently, learning to read and write, and she also got to know the other students. Some of them were Christians, and they shared about how Jesus had changed their lives. Eventually, Sonisha opened up, sharing about Rahbar’s heart condition and her overwhelming fear that she would have to raise their children alone.
Her new friends gathered around, and Balaja led them in praying for Rahbar’s healing. They continued praying faithfully for his heart to be strong and whole again.
Soon after, Rahbar told Sonisha that he was no longer experiencing any chest pain! Filled with joy, Sonisha explained to Rahbar that Jesus had healed him using the prayers of her friends in the Literacy Class.
Rahbar and Sonisha began attending a Sunday prayer group to seek Jesus together. Soon, they both received salvation! Happiness returned to their home, and even when life’s inevitable storms came, their trust in Christ remained strong. During pandemic lockdowns, Rahbar was unable to work, so they had no way to buy food. But, through a Relief Kit distributed by Adult Literacy Class partners, they received four weeks’ worth of food and hygiene supplies. God sustained them during their time of need!
The impact of the Literacy Class cannot be said better than by Sonisha herself. She shares, “After attending the Literacy Class, I came to know Jesus and I have also changed the walk of my life. Education certainly changes lives and I’m the living example. I thank Jesus for changing my life.”
Praise God for giving new life to Sonisha and Rahbar, and for the eternal legacy they are building by raising their children to know Christ!