Taniska’s Parents Took Away Her Bible

Taniska’s family didn’t follow Jesus, but she loved attending the Year-Long Children’s Bible Club in her village. It was a place where she could play with other children, sing Bible-based actions songs, participate in competitive games, make fun crafts, and hear stories about Jesus.
Before the Bible Club, Taniska had only known the name of Jesus. She didn’t know the He was a teacher, a friend, and a Savior. But all that changed when the Bible Club leader, Gajraj, gave her a picture book about Jesus’ love.
While reading the book, Taniska learned that Jesus could forgive her sins. She read that He received 39 lashes from Roman soldiers, that He was denied by the Apostle Peter, that He was arrested and crucified. Taniska couldn’t understand why people hated Jesus so much after He had been so kind to them!
Fascinated by the stories, Taniska processed what she was reading with Gajraj. And with guidance, Taniska was able to understand the purpose behind Jesus’ death and the power of His resurrection. She finally understood the Gospel.
Soon after, Gajraj encouraged all of the children to pray to Jesus for their needs. Taniska stood up and stepped forward, proclaiming, “I need Jesus who died for me.” Moved by the Holy Spirit, Taniska confessed her sins and received Jesus as her Savior that day!
Taniska’s parents were furious. They had seen the book Taniska was reading, but they thought it was simply a comic book. When they found out it was about Jesus, they took it away, along with her Bible. There was no way they wanted her to believe in a God other than their deities!
But there was no stopping Taniska’s new life in Christ. She already had God’s Word hidden in her heart! Now, when she feels discouraged, Taniska remembers Bible stories and recites Scripture to encourage herself in the Lord.
Will you pray for Taniska’s parents to have a change of heart and follow Jesus? Pray, also, that Taniska’s testimony will be a light for others.