Discipleship Changed Dilpreet’s Whole Life!

Dilpreet was a third grader who developed a reputation for his negligent attitude toward school. He often showed up late or skipped school altogether, which raised concerns within his family. His older sister tried to correct his behavior to prevent Dilpreet from damaging the family’s reputation, but her efforts failed to change him. This left his family feeling helpless and unsure of how to address Dilpreet’s behavior.
But a glimmer of hope came when the local Children’s Bible Club leader, Gamil, met Dilpreet at Sunday school. He encouraged Dilpreet to join the Bible Club, and he did!
Dilpreet’s first days at the Bible Club were filled with restlessness as he resisted cooperating. However, Gamil remained committed to investing in Dilpreet. Gamil worked diligently, tutoring Dilpreet to help him complete his assignments and overcome his difficulties with reading.
Over time, Dilpreet began showing signs of improvement! Gamil’s unwavering support resulted in Dilpreet’s remarkable change. He became a proactive learner, studying daily and achieving great grades in school. This left his parents and his teachers both astonished and overjoyed!
But that’s not all! In addition to academic guidance, Gamil taught Dilpreet Christ-based action songs and how to pray! Dilpreet eagerly absorbed the Bible teachings shared by Gamil and developed a great understanding of Jesus. He now prays regularly and faithfully attends Sunday school.
His parents are delighted by the positive change they’ve seen in their son’s life. Will you pray that Dilpreet continues to grow academically and spiritually? Also, pray that God would use Dilpreet to lead his family to salvation.