Risna Loves Jesus, Life, and Literacy!

Risna’s story is common across India, but fortunately, hers has a happy ending…one with hope for a much brighter future and eternal life with Jesus! Risna grew up worshipping the gods of her culture and faced all the challenges and hardships brought on by poverty and illiteracy. Her family relied on daily wages, and she could not enjoy her childhood due to the ongoing illnesses she suffered from.
Risna eventually married Raaz, and before long, they were blessed with a son and daughter. Despite her hopes for a better life after marriage, Risna continued to battle financial struggles, as well as her husband’s deep addiction to alcohol. Raaz’s drinking not only took away from the money they needed for food, but his angry, violent behavior continually disrupted their once peaceful home.
To escape the constant conflicts, Risna often sought refuge at her neighbor’s house so that her children could have a peaceful night’s sleep. They often had to go to bed hungry, even though Risna worked diligently as a daily laborer.
One day, Risna met Adah, the local Adult Literacy Class teacher. Adah came to visit Risna when she learned of her home situation and invited Risna to join the literacy class. Overjoyed, Risna enrolled immediately and was thrilled to see her dreams of becoming literate finally come true.
From the start, Risna attended class every day and quickly demonstrated her new skills in reading, writing, and performing basic math. She also enjoyed the special training offered through the literacy class, which allowed her to gain valuable knowledge about cleanliness and personal hygiene. In class, Risna learned to pray and heard the Gospel message of Jesus. Adah continues to support Risna and has always provided a sense of comfort and peace in her life.
As Risna learned and gained new skills, her friends and family took notice of the many positive changes in her life. She is better and more efficient in her domestic chores and assists her husband with his work. She is now kind and gentle as she continues to encourage her husband to break free of his addiction to alcohol and prays for him daily.
Given the change in Risna’s approach, Raaz now remains calm and avoids conflicts, loud disruptions, and disturbances in the neighborhood. Even though he continues to drink, their home is much happier and more peaceful now.
Her entire family has expressed a desire to know more about Jesus through what they have seen in Risna. She regularly attends church and prayer meetings and her positive changes, and commitment to faith, have inspired many. Please pray that she will stand firm for Jesus and that her family will also receive Him as their Savior soon. Also, pray that her husband will overcome his addiction to alcohol and serve Jesus alongside Risna.