A Thriving Tailor Shop

Owning a thriving tailor shop isn’t where Sarban started in life. His situation used to be dire. A relative had used witchcraft on Sarban and his family, and then each family member fell ill, one after another, leaving them in distress.
Sarban went to temples, praying to idols for relief from the evil spirits afflicting his family. Despite visiting sorcerers, witch doctors, and temples, the family’s health did not improve. Unfortunately, Sarban’s daughter became more ill, Sarban experienced painful swelling all over his body, and his wife, Chanasya, endured frequent stomach aches.
The family’s financial constraints made it hard for them to seek proper medical care. Sadly, Chanasya’s health deteriorated to a critical stage, and Sarban feared for her life.
It was at this very critical moment that Sarban met Church Planter Manimaran, who you sent to his village. Manimaran shared the Gospel, explaining the hope of Jesus Christ to the family.
Sarban and his family were intrigued by this Good News. After discipleship and prayer offered by Manimaran, Sarban and his family attended church where the pastor led them in a prayer for salvation. The whole family received Jesus as their Savior.
But that didn’t mean life was suddenly easy. Sarban faced criticism, discouragement, and disapproval from his relatives for his belief in Jesus. Thankfully, he remained steadfast.
Sarban pushed forward and worked to sustain his family through a new career path, opening a provisions shop. Sadly, it resulted in losses, so he opened a stationary shop—which also failed.
Sarban’s relatives were hopeful that these setbacks would prompt him to leave his faith in Jesus, but Sarban stood strong in Christ, believing that He would provide. No matter how much his relatives tried to convince him to return to idol worship, he wouldn’t turn from the hope he had in Jesus.
And today, Sarban can testify that Jesus does, in fact, provide. Sarban and his wife run a thriving tailor shop which brings in a sufficient income for their family. Praise God for His faithfulness in Sarban’s life! Sarban boldly declares, “Our deliverance comes from the Lord Jesus, and we will never forsake our faith.”