Nidda’s Literacy Class was “Instrumental”

Nidda was raised in a poor family that had no money for her to be educated. Heightening the family’s financial problems, Nidda’s father was an alcoholic.
The family devoutly worshipped idols and Nidda followed in her father’s footsteps, actively participating in the worship of their gods and strongly disliking Christians. As she got older, her idol worship became a significant aspect of her life. So, when she married at 15, it was important to her that her husband cherished the same beliefs. He did worship the same gods, but he also came from poverty—meaning the couple continued to struggle financially.
But, Nidda’s life took a drastic turn when she met the local Adult Literacy Class teacher, Amidi, who encouraged her by explaining the importance of education. Nidda was intrigued by the prospect of learning and decided to attend the class.
During the Literacy Class, Nidda learned about caring for her own basic needs and practiced reading and writing.
One day, during the Literacy Class, Amidi shared the creation story, which left a lasting impression on Nidda. She became intrigued and asked Amidi to help her understand it better. After Amidi’s explanation, Nidda realized the supreme power of the one true God.
Nidda was eager to explore further and requested a Bible, which Amidi happily provided. As Nidda read the Bible using her new literacy skills, she shifted her focus to cultivating a Christian character and developing an intimate relationship with Jesus. Over time, she understood the need for salvation and received Jesus as her personal Savior.
Recognizing the impact of the Adult Literacy Class, Nidda testified, “The Adult Literacy Class has been instrumental in reaching the lost souls in various parts of the village.”
“The Adult Literacy Class has been instrumental in reaching the lost souls in various parts of the village.”
After receiving Christ, Nidda shared the Good News with her husband and children, who all eventually received salvation, too!