

The Need for Education

Adults across India are trying to get by each day without knowing how to count change, when to take their child to the doctor, or how to safely prepare food. Their lack of education is affecting their entire family’s wellbeing.

Many social issues are addressed in Adult Literacy Classes, such as child labor, child marriage, the importance of sending children to school, and even the Adult Literacy students’ rights in society.

Causes and Effects of Illiteracy

Uneducated adults in India never learned how to read, write, or count money, but that’s just the tip of the iceberg. They often overlook essential practices such as covering food to prevent bugs, bathing regularly, washing hands before food preparation, and eating healthy meals. Because they lack basic knowledge, their children routinely get sick, and many parents turn to witch doctors for help instead of medical doctors.

In India, 80.9% of males are literate, compared to just 64.6% of women. Why? Because in many families, girls are seen as “less than.” If a family has limited finances, they prioritize sending their sons to school while keeping their daughters home to do household chores.

273 million adults in India can’t read this in their own language. That’s 1 in 4 people who are held back by illiteracy, lacking the basic skills to find stable jobs, open a bank account, and provide healthy lives for their children.

Many parents in India would love to send their children to school, but they feel they simply can’t because of their financial situation. Instead, they bring their young children to work with them, so desperate for immediate income that they sacrifice setting up their children for a better future.

Women leading women in education

How to
Get Involved

Is God tugging at your heart and calling you to be part of His work in India? We’d love to have you join us on this incredible mission! There are plenty of ways to get involved—take a look at three key options below and partner with us as God leads.

Believers all over India are compelled by Christ’s love to reach millions of children with the Gospel.

Pray for India

We strongly believe that prayer is the first work of missions. Your prayers mean the world to us, and we gladly provide resources to guide you in prayer for India.

Women’s participation in the workforce is increasing in India, but they continue to face challenges such as limited access to education.

Ways to Give

India’s Christians are eager to learn how to effectively share the Gospel. Your financial support equips and trains them to minister within their communities!

Church Planters are trained to plant self-sustaining churches that continue to shine the light of Jesus long after their year of training ends.

Engage your Church

By partnering with Mission India, your church can plant churches in India effectively and efficiently, impacting entire communities for generations to come.