Chikku Finds Comfort and Jesus in a Bible Club

Now in her early teens, Chikku has been a regular attendee of the Year-Long Children’s Bible Club in her neighborhood for several years. In fact, the care and support she received there is what got her through the death of her father.
When Chikku’s father passed away, she became emotionally distressed and discouraged. Fortunately, the children and Ruhiya, the Bible Club leader, provided her a place of comfort and peace. The Bible Club was where Chikku felt like she belonged, as she had developed deep bonds with Ruhiya and her new friends.
In addition to the fun activities and wonderful friendships Chikku found at the Bible Club, it was also a place where she received much-needed assistance with her schoolwork. Chikku was motivated to do well in school because of the encouragement she received. She wanted a good education so she wouldn’t have to struggle like her mother to find a good job.
Ruhiya was a very nurturing leader and loved to teach the children about Jesus. She taught them action songs, memory verses, and stories from the Bible about God and His miracles. She was very creative in sharing the Gospel – so much so that she had the children’s undivided attention during their devotion time.
Ruhiya received Bible storybooks that she gave to all the children in the Bible Club, including Chikku. Reading the book made the children even more enthusiastic about Jesus and increased their understanding of His life and what He came to earth to do. The images helped the children visualize His life and remember the stories.
Chikku was deeply impacted by the Word of God. Because she was raised in the religion of her culture, she didn’t know much about Jesus. She loved flipping through the Bible storybook and looking at the colorful illustrations of Jesus’ life. In time, she was able to grasp how Jesus’ suffering, crucifixion, and resurrection can give her hope for eternity. Chikku now loves Jesus and prays to Him for all her needs.
Chikku began showing her Bible to her friends, classmates, and mother, telling them about Jesus, too. She wants them all to know and love the Lord as she does. Please pray that God will use Chikku to change their hearts and that her life will become a powerful witness for Jesus.