Modaki: Children’s Prayers Heal a Father

Modaki is currently in the ninth grade, and she is the oldest of three children. Since her family is very poor, they live with her grandparents. Both of Modaki’s parents work hard as daily laborers.
Life has been hard for quite a while, but it got a little better when Modaki learned about a Year-Long Children’s Bible Club in her village. She was excited to join when she heard about the various fun activities as well as the assistance she would receive with her studies. The Bible Club gave Modaki many new experiences, and she enjoyed playing games and learning the action songs. Soon, she began taking her brother and sister along, too.
Modaki’s favorite Bible story was about Daniel and his friends. She admired how they stood firm in their beliefs and remained pure in what they ate. Her parents began noticing positive changes in Modaki’s behavior and that she was more obedient than ever before. They also saw improvement in her studies. In fact, Modaki received all A’s on the report card she received after joining the Bible Club!
Modaki began telling her parents and neighbors about Jesus and how He had helped her focus on her schoolwork. She shared stories from the Bible that touched her life and how Jesus is the one true God and Savior. Modaki committed her life to Christ and prayed for knowledge and wisdom. She also asked God to improve her memory, and He did!
Eventually, Modaki began attending a local worshipping group where she enjoyed memorizing Scripture verses. She came to know more about God’s sovereignty and power.
Modaki’s young faith was put to the test when her father was hospitalized with severe stomach pain. When Modaki’s father returned home very weak, with no help or diagnosis, she found him crying. Modaki shared with him a verse she had memorized, “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God” (Philippians 4:6).
Afterward, Modaki went to the Bible Club leader and shared her father’s condition, requesting prayers for him. That day, all the children knelt in prayer for Modaki’s father, and she returned home proclaiming, “Do not worry as you will not feel pain from now on.”
Miraculously, Modaki’s father’s pain was gone! Experiencing this incredible healing from the children’s prayers, he immediately believed in Jesus as his Lord and Savior. Today, Modaki’s entire family attends the worshipping group together. Please join Modaki in praying they will all receive Jesus as their personal Savior.