Mission India Super Thrift
A Boutique On a Mission
Mission India Super Thrift is a resale store at 2146 Plainfield NE in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

How It Works
Proceeds from the store support Mission India’s ministry work with Indian Christian partners to share the Gospel and plant churches.
The store is currently accepting donations of clothing, furniture, books, houseware items, etc. Donations are tax-deductible and can be brought to the store during open hours.
Mission India Super Thrift supports the three core ministry programs: Children’s Bible Clubs, Bible-based Adult Literacy Classes, and Church Planter Training.
Will You Volunteer?
The store is also looking for dedicated Christian volunteers to be a part of this exciting ministry opportunity. Mission India Super Thrift needs both men and women volunteers to be laborers in this vineyard for Christ.
Mission India Super Thrift Volunteer Application
For more information, call Mary or Ruth at 616-361-7411. Come join us, we look forward to meeting you!