Manjubala’s Success and Journey to Jesus

Manjubala grew up in a poor family that followed the gods of their culture. She worshipped her gods with the same diligence she showed in school. Unlike other children in her class, she was always well-behaved and polite, and she completed her homework on time.
Then, unexpectedly, Manjubala became distracted. She was unable to focus on her studies or recall what she was learning in class. Her grades started to slip, and so did her confidence.
Her parents and teachers gave her warnings, only making her sad and disappointed. Manjubala and her mother started visiting temples to offer prayers in hopes that she would return to the first rank in her class – but her prayers were not answered.
Then, one day, one of her neighbors invited her to join the local Year-Long Children’s Bible Club. With her mom’s permission, Manjubala began attending regularly.
At the Bible Club, Manjubala listened to Bible stories and sang action songs. She even heard the Gospel for the first time. After hearing about Jesus, Manjubala finally understood what the cross meant that she saw many Christians wear on necklaces.
She understood that Jesus died in her place, and she received Christ as her Lord and Savior!
After some time, when she opened her books to study, she was able to understand the lessons. She realized Jesus was with her and helping her!
We praise God for leading Manjubala to salvation and giving her the focus she needed to excel in school.
Will you pray that Manjubala’s testimony will lead her family to Christ in the days to come?