March 2024 India Intercessor

Dear Friends,
As Easter quickly approaches, I find myself thinking about how prayer was woven throughout Jesus’ time here on earth. He was in close communication with God, all the way up to the moment on the cross when He cried out to the Father.
Prayer played a profound role as Jesus went from village to village, healing people and performing miracles. The same power that Jesus healed with in Scripture is available to us today through the Holy Spirit.
Our ministry partners often share stories with us of people in India who receive salvation because they were healed through prayer. And I think this showcases just how powerful prayer still is today.
This month, as you intercede on behalf of the people of India, I encourage you to boldly pray that the Holy Spirit will move in the lives of each person you pray for. You’ll notice that our prayer list this month is heavily focused on children—we want to ask God to work in their lives while we introduce a special matching challenge that will allow us to reach twice the boys and girls in India! You’ll read more about this opportunity in the article enclosed.
Thank you for your faithful prayers for India. As you celebrate Easter at the end of the month, I encourage you to praise God for all the new believers in India who will be celebrating His resurrection for the very first time.
Together, for India,
Todd VanEk
President & CEO of Mission India