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Jen’s Legacy? Generational Impact.

What is your legacy?

Yikes! That’s a big question, right? It may feel overwhelming to reflect on your life’s legacy, but, in reality, your everyday choices are already building the way you’ll be remembered.

Legacies are built day by day, in each decision you make, from the very big to the very small ones. One way to get intentional about your legacy is to prayerfully select your top values, then refer to those values in making life choices.

Do you want to be known for prioritizing your family? Use up some PTO and take the trip you’ve been dreaming of.

Do you want to leave a legacy of service and compassion? Mow a neighbor’s lawn when they’re going through a hard time.

Over time, these simple yet intentional choices add up to a beautiful legacy.

Jen Brower, a wife and mom of five, has been intentionally building a legacy of generosity and compassion for many years. Living generously has been a core value of Jen and her husband Ben since the very start of their marriage. In fact, they’ve been faithful partners of Mission India since the 1990s!

As Jen’s kids got older, she and Ben realized that they wanted to be even more intentional about how they communicated their values to their kids. Giving decisions became a family affair, with everyone weighing in on where and why they would be generous with their resources. They even began praying together about how God wanted them to answer His call to generosity!

If you long to pass down a legacy of generosity, Jen wants to encourage you with this: “Find something God-honoring that you are passionate about and JUST DO IT! Ask God what He would have you do with the resources He has already blessed you with, invite your kids into that decision, and watch God change hearts.”


  • Ask God to reveal anywhere that your values aren’t aligned with His.
  • Thank God for His generosity toward you. Be specific and name the many blessings in your life.

Take Action

  • Brainstorm some core values that you want to be part of your legacy. Or—even better—do this with your family!
  • Plan two ways you can demonstrate those values this week.