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Faith Through Opposition

13-year-old Ashankit and his family had never heard the Gospel. In fact, they had never even heard the name of Jesus. They were taught to place their faith in distant deities who never seemed to hear their pleas for help. To believe in anything else would invite ridicule from their community.

Despite their appeals to false gods and goddesses for good health, Ashankit’s father passed away from a mysterious illness. When the burden of supporting Ashankit and his grandmother, Babita, became too much for Ashankit’s mother, Ashankit took it upon himself to work, going door-to-door collecting garbage to sell in their slum neighborhood. Then, on top of their financial stress, Ashankit’s mother began to decline into physical and spiritual illness.

Just when Ashankit was most in need of hope, God provided it through the prayers and support of people like you. Our Year-Long Children’s Bible Club leader, Aniya, visited Ashankit’s slum and told Babita of all the opportunities that awaited him at the Bible Club. Though they knew neighbors might think ill of their interest in a Christian program, Ashankit and his grandmother decided to visit the Bible Club.

Babita was struck by all that she learned in a single visit and enrolled Ashankit right away! She had a feeling that the Year-Long Bible Club was going to help not only Ashankit, but her entire family.

Before long, Babita shared their family’s struggles with Aniya. Babita had witnessed the power of prayer at the Bible Club meetings, so she invited Aniya to their home to pray over her daughter’s illness. That very night, Aniya visited and prayed for Ashankit’s mother, sharing the Gospel message, too. Aniya continued to do this in the days to come.

Though they faced the daily struggles of living with poverty and sickness, Ashankit and his family felt peace when Aniya shared the Good News of Jesus Christ. Soon, Ashankit’s mother was healed—both physically and spiritually! The family came to know Jesus Christ as their healer and received salvation through Him.

With their new faith came opposition from the community. Ashankit and his family were mocked and ridiculed for turning from their old ways. Despite this, however, Ashankit and his family continue to praise God. Ashankit need only think back on the stories of the Bible he learned at the Year-Long Bible Club. God’s servants were tested and tried then, too. Like them, he knows he can stand on the promises of God. Please join us in prayer for Ashankit and his family. Pray for their safety, continued health, and growing knowledge of Christ. Please also pray that their financial burdens will be lifted, and their entire community will be changed.