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Bhuvi Finds Solace in a Bible Club

Now in the 6th grade, Bhuvi has a passion for drawing and dreams of becoming a teacher one day. Her family currently lives in a government tsunami shelter, having lost their home in 2004.

Bhuvi’s father is the sole breadwinner for the family of four, earning barely enough for them to get by. Her mother suffers from tuberculosis and is unable to keep up with the housework, leaving most of those responsibilities to Bhuvi.

Bhuvi joined a Year-Long Children’s Bible Club after the club leader visited their home and invited her. At first, she was concerned she wouldn’t have time, but her older brother encouraged her to go and promised to look after their mother while she was away. Going to the Bible Club provided a much-needed break for Bhuvi and she found great comfort there.

Bhuvi struggled to focus on her schoolwork as she constantly worried about her family. She feared they wouldn’t have enough money for her mother’s treatments or afford the tuition for her brother’s school. And, worse yet, she was concerned about her father’s gambling and drinking habits as his behavior wreaked havoc in their home.

Going to the Bible Club brought relief for Bhuvi as she felt cared for and supported by the friends she met there. She had a newfound sense of belonging and was encouraged by the club environment. This allowed her to concentrate on her studies, and she started envisioning a brighter future for herself, despite the many problems at home.

One of the Bible verses the club leader taught them was, “My God shall supply all your needs according to his riches and glory.” Bhuvi began to share her family problems with the club leader, who assured her that Jesus was fully able to provide for her needs and promised to pray for them all regularly.

As Bhuvi’s faith in Jesus increased, she started to see positive changes in her family. The club leader visited the family’s home to pray for Bhuvi’s mother and offer words of encouragement. She shared the Gospel with them and told them they could trust the Lord Jesus for all their needs.

The Children’s Bible Club inspired Bhuvi to pray regularly and memorize Bible verses. She attends faithfully and invites new friends to join, too. Bhuvi asks for our prayers as she continues to grow in her faith and shine for Jesus. She also asks that we pray for the salvation of her family.