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Amanjeet Faces Each Day with Joy and Courage

Following in his parents’ footsteps, Amanjeet works as a farmer and daily laborer. He grew up worshipping idols and various spirits and never had the opportunity to go to school. Today, he is married with four children. Amanjeet’s wife manages the home, and his children are pursuing an education.

Since Amanjeet began working as a child, he developed bad habits, like chewing tobacco, at a very young age. These habits caused tension in his home. Being illiterate also created many difficulties for Amanjeet as he never learned how to manage his money and was completely unaware of good hygiene practices that would keep him and his family from getting sick. It seemed they were constantly falling ill and having to spend the little money they had on medicines.

One day, when Amanjeet was invited to join a local Adult Literacy Class, he said, “Yes.” While he felt a bit awkward at first, Amanjeet soon adjusted to the process of learning. With the encouragement of his teacher he quickly saw the value of what he was being taught.

Amanjeet was a regular in class and it wasn’t long before he was reading, writing, and performing basic math. His newfound knowledge began to bring about positive changes in all areas of his life.

Through the Literacy Class, Amanjeet had the opportunity to attend a special training on health and hygiene, which he has diligently put into practice. Now, the family maintains a clean house and prioritizes personal hygiene and sanitation. These new habits, coupled with what Amanjeet learned about nutrition, has improved the overall health of the entire family.

Most importantly, Amanjeet was introduced to Jesus, which has had a profound impact on his life. He now worships the one true God every Sunday and has learned to forgive those who have wronged him. As Amanjeet was taught to love his neighbors as himself, he now looks for ways to give back to his community.

Amanjeet’s faith in Jesus has changed his relationships in many ways and he has never been happier or more content. He has become patient, compassionate, and understanding toward his friends and family. His trust in God has given him new strength and courage to face any challenges that come his way.