You Helped a Child’s Mom Out of Prostitution!

Aban’s widowed mom, Kenisha, faced such significant financial issues that she went door-to-door begging and often endured periods of hunger.
She tried working as a maid for a while, but the income proved to be insufficient. Overwhelmed, Kenisha contemplated suicide.
Then, Kenisha’s landlord made her an offer: he would reduce her rent payments if she slept with him. One thing led to another, and soon, Kenisha was earning all of her income through prostitution.
Aban was too little to understand all that was happening at home, but he longed for a normal life—he was missing out on opportunities as basic as going to school.
Then, a woman named Malsa met Kenisha and shared about the Year-Long Children’s Bible Club she was leading. Through the support of people like you, Aban joined!
Malsa welcomed Aban into the uplifting, joyful environment where he could enjoy being a kid—playing games and singing fun songs with new friends. Aban also learned how to pray to Jesus, and he began to do so at home. Kenisha noticed, and she listened as her son told her about the love of Christ.
Malsa visited the family a few days later, and as she learned more about Kenisha’s lifestyle, she was able to speak truth into the struggling mother’s life. Through their continued conversations, Kenisha believed in Jesus, left prostitution, and found a job working at the local Christian school!
Aban is now thrilled to have stability at home. He and his sister are enrolled in school, and the whole family is growing in the love and knowledge of Jesus. Thank you for giving Aban and so many other children in India a new life through Christ!