Rupin: Boy’s Prayers Lead to Great Change!

The youngest of three children, Rupin often witnessed the pain and abuse his mother, sister, and brother endured at the hands of his alcoholic father, Daksh. Daksh worked as a farmer, with his mother also working long hours in the fields. Even though they had food on the table, the family struggled in many ways. Rupin’s mother suffered greatly in silence.
Being the youngest, Rupin was able to escape his father’s abuse until his siblings got married and moved out. Then Rupin became Daksh’s prime target. This greatly impacted Rupin’s ability to study and focus on his schoolwork. And, if things weren’t bad enough, his teachers often scolded him for his poor performance and failing grades.
Fortunately, Rupin’s life turned around completely when he joined a Year-long Children’s Bible Club! Even though Rupin was quite shy and came in with a lot of “emotional baggage,” participating in the club activities helped him deal with his fears. Soon, he felt very comfortable with the leader and other children. The love and care he received there helped him become a happier, more confident person.
With the academic assistance Rupin received at the Bible Club, he began to better understand what he was learning in school, and his grades improved.
In the Bible Club, Rupin learned good morals and values through the Bible stories he heard. These stories also helped him discover his unique strengths as a person as well as to understand his weaknesses. He became more emotionally stable and now socializes well with the other children.
Before joining the Bible Club, Rupin had bowed to idols to express his devotion. But, after learning about prayer, this all changed. Rupin began praying for his family, especially for his father to be delivered from alcohol. He started thanking God for his meals and praising Him when he was kept safe from abuse. Watching Rupin pray was strange for his mother, but it made her happy.
After several weeks of praying, Daksh began to feel guilty about his addiction. One day, while walking home drunk, he cried out at the top of his lungs and wailed loudly. This got the attention of several villagers who witnessed Daksh fall to his knees and pray, “Jesus, help me! I am doing everything I can, but nothing is happening. Help me overcome my addiction. Give me peace.”
“Jesus, help me! I am doing everything I can, but nothing is happening. Help me overcome my addiction. Give me peace.”
That day, Daksh asked his wife to invite Church Planter Paavni to their house to pray. As she prayed for the family, everything began to change, and God answered their prayers! The family gave up worshipping idols, Daksh stopped drinking, and all received Jesus as their Savior.
Today, Rupin is a happy, confident young man who is doing well in his studies. He hopes to become a teacher one day. Please pray that Rupin will continue to live out what he learns in the Bible Club and serve Jesus for the rest of his life.