How 10 Days Changed a Family Forever

Koshala was born into a poor, religious family that sought solace from their gods during difficult times. But when the gods couldn’t help, Koshala’s father, Faizulah, turned to alcohol and became abusive toward his family. Every day, he would come home from work drunk and angry.
Koshala’s mother tried her best to keep peace by participating in religious practices. Desperate for change, she prayed to her gods for a miracle. However, Faizulah’s behavior worsened, causing more turmoil for the family.
During this time, Pratheesh, a local believer, came to Koshala’s village and invited every child to the 10-Day Children’s Bible Club he was starting.
Koshala attended and was intrigued by the vibrant activities, songs, skits, and Bible stories. The teachings deeply moved her; her heart was filled with hope and a new purpose!
Upon hearing the Gospel, Koshala became even more excited about the spiritual activities of the Bible Club. She then received Jesus as her Savior!
Grateful for Jesus’ love, Koshala began sharing her faith with her family — including her dad.
At first, Faizulah was skeptical, but after witnessing Koshala’s faith, his heart softened. He questioned his choices and longed to change.
With Koshala’s support, her family began attending church and praying fervently!
Faizulah eventually left behind his addictions, and peace began to fill Koshala’s home. Her mother breathed a sigh of relief, finally free from abuse. Koshala thanks God for answering her prayers!