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God’s Grace Made Anasika’s Dream Come True

Anasika was born into a poor family, in an area that lacked opportunities for higher education. This didn’t keep Anasika from dreaming of becoming a nurse—even though her family lacked the financial resources for her to pursue her dream.

But when she met the local Bible Club leader, Anasika got the support she needed to make her dreams a reality. She was captivated by the Christ-centered action songs and homework help offered in the Bible Club, leading her to achieve good grades in school. She also learned how to pray, and as she brought her needs before Jesus, she witnessed many prayers being answered.

Over time, Anasika began to realize the importance of spending time with God and began attending a prayer group and reading her Bible. Eventually, she left behind the idols her family worshipped and received salvation in Jesus.

And that’s when she began to boldly pray for her future. She prayed that God would help her achieve a good score on her medical exams, and she did!

But the best part—following the prayers of her Bible Club and church members, Anasika received a scholarship to a nursing school! She was amazed that God’s grace had made things beyond her imagination possible.

Anasika is the first girl from her community to attend college. Will you pray that many will come to know Christ in Anasika’s village through her, leading to peace in their society?