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A Gospel Opposer’s Story of Hope

Surin and Sabia had three children, and all of them seemed to be sick constantly. As soon as they got over an illness, another one came.

As a mother, Sabia felt terrible for them, but her solutions were to worship her deities, pour milk on a statue of a god, and visit medical doctors who couldn’t help.

You sent hope when you equipped Church Planter Mahum for ministry, showing the love of Jesus to Sabia’s community. When Mahum asked if she could pray for Sabia, the struggling mother shared all about her troubles.

Mahum offered support in multiple ways — not only praying for Sabia, but also providing insights on hygiene practices that help prevent disease. Sabia had never kept her home clean before, and her eyes were opened. She eagerly continued to learn from Mahum, both about healthy lifestyles and the Gospel!

Eventually, Sabia received Jesus as her Savior, and she experienced joy and peace as soon as she did.

However, Sabia’s husband, Surin, was opposed to Christianity. In fact, he hated anyone who left his religion to follow Jesus. He wanted those around him to maintain India’s religious roots.

Then, Jesus worked so profoundly in Surin’s family that His power was undeniable. All three children were completely healed from their diseases through the power of Jesus and the wisdom offered by Mahum. Meanwhile, the household was filled with joy in a way it hadn’t been for years.

Surin’s heart was softened, and he was changed by Jesus’ love. He even has a message for you: “I thank those who support Church Planter Mahum’s noble work. I praise God for His mercy and grace which He has shown on me and my family.”