Fueled by Faith: Encouraging Others

Faith is more than personal; it is communal. When we share our stories of God’s faithfulness, we can encourage others in their own walks with God. Maybe you’ve experienced this—growing in your faith through hearing someone else’s testimony.
Kori, Mission India’s Prayer Mobilizer, once heard an incredible story from a Church Planter who suffered for his faith. As she shares his story, you’re sure to be encouraged in your faith!
I, along with a group of other believers, once had the opportunity to speak with a Church Planter. One of my friends asked the Church Planter if he had ever been persecuted for his faith. He told us that, years ago, he had traveled from his home state in India to a neighboring state to encourage other Church Planters there. Instead of being allowed in, like he had been in the past, he was held at the state line.
During this time, he was detained, questioned, accused, and intimidated. He was thrown into prison indefinitely. He wasn’t even allowed to contact his wife. Nobody knew he was there, and he was sitting in jail with no legal papers.
We leaned forward, hanging on his every word. Up to this point, he was telling his story very matter-of-factly. But suddenly, he started laughing nervously, and said to us, “You guys, I was so scared!” Even though it was a dangerous and serious story, we all burst into laughter with him. He was so relatable, and his vulnerability was encouraging. He finished his story by sharing that, a few days later, he was released. However, he has since been banished from visiting that state in India.
Until that day, I had never met a person face-to-face who was thrown in prison on account of Jesus. I got to see, up-close and personal, the humility and gratitude of a man who felt like it was an honor to be persecuted for the sake of Christ. His story fueled my faith in a heartbeat. He claimed he was just an ordinary, scared man, who Jesus strengthened to face charges on account of the Gospel. It gave me hope that, if or when my time comes to face persecution for Christ’s sake, I could endure just like he did.
What has Jesus done for you? How can you share your story in a way that strengthens others? YOU can be a Difference Maker by sharing your story!
Action Steps
- Ask God to remind you of key things He has done for you that could encourage the faith of others. Take time today to journal about those memories.
- This week, share one of those memories with someone.
- Sign up to receive our devotional and prayer guide for the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church, which is coming up on November 3, 2024.
Prayer Guide
- Ask God to reveal how He wants to use your words, prayers, and spiritual gifts to encourage the people in your life.
- Pray for our Christian brothers and sisters in India who experience persecution for following Jesus.