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September 2023 India Intercessor

Dear Friends,

I wish I could look each one of you in the eyes and sincerely thank you for the prayers you’ve so faithfully prayed for each of our brothers and sisters that are being affected by the persecution in Manipur, India this summer. The violence that broke out in Manipur left tens of thousands of people displaced, wondering where they would lay their heads at night and where their next meal would come from.

Not only have you been devoted prayer warriors, but friends like you are providing necessities for many displaced families in Manipur. Relief Kits are being distributed to them by partners on the ground to meet urgent needs.

In Acts 20:35 we are reminded, “In everything I have shown you that, by working hard, we must help the weak. In this way we remember the Lord Jesus’ words: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’” This verse reminds us that we are called to support one another in the trials of life. And just as we see from the violence in Manipur, many Christians in India face a multitude of hardships – especially persecution.

This fall, I would like to invite you and your church to learn more about persecution in India and how you can pray about it through a devotional our team is preparing for the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church. I hope you’ll consider taking this opportunity to your church – asking them to take part in learning about and praying over the persecuted Church in India with you. Read more about it here.

Thank you for obediently following God’s call to pray for Christians who are working to reach the unreached people of India.

Together, for India,

Todd VanEk

President & CEO of Mission India

Click here to download prayers for September 2023.