A Child Shows Her Family the True Path

Jawahir’s mother had lost all hope, feeling ashamed of the life her daughter was building. Jawahir was drifting from her family’s fierce idol worship, and as she tried to seek direction, she felt like she was spinning in circles. With each day, Jawahir became more reckless and worrisome.
But, thanks to your support, Jawahir began attending a Year-Long Children’s Bible Club. There, she started to learn who Jesus is and understand what it looks like to follow His path.
The Bible Club provided a safe and positive environment for Jawahir to learn and grow in her faith. She enjoyed learning songs, hearing Bible stories, memorizing Scripture verses, and being in fellowship with other children. Jawahir also developed a unique skill and deep passion for art while at the Bible Club. She quickly recognized the immense value of faith in Jesus, receiving Him as her personal Savior.
Jawahir dramatically turned her life around because of the Year-Long Bible Club you sent her to. Her behavioral changes at home were so noticeable that her parents’ lives were also impacted by the power of the Holy Spirit!
Now, Jawahir is using her gift from the Lord to make art celebrating Jesus’ birth, something that brings her immense joy! Her mother, who was once ashamed of her daughter straying from their deities, has also left idols behind and is now following her daughter’s example. As a family, they openly declare their newfound faith–despite great opposition in their community.
It is powerful to see how God can use a child to change the legacy of an entire family, which will impact generations to come!
Will you pray for strength and perseverance as Jawahir and her family face persecution?