Preshak Strays and Returns to Jesus

Even though Preshak grew up in a family that worshipped Jesus, he found himself “wandering from the narrow path” in his teenage years. As a child, Preshak attended church, was involved in his youth group, and studied the Bible. He was passionate about serving the Lord and participating in church activities.
After completing the 10th grade, however, Preshak began spending time with a new group of friends who questioned his faith and began pushing their religious beliefs on him. Unfortunately, peer pressure got to him, and Preshak focused more on pleasing his friends than attending church.
The more Preshak strayed from Jesus, the more he began to compromise his values. He started smoking, drinking, and living a lifestyle that did not honor God. Preshak’s desire to fit in with his new friends distanced him from his church and family. In fact, he lied and told his parents he couldn’t go to church because of his exams and special classes. Preshak’s parents and Church Planter Sathiya could see what was happening, so they prayed continuously that Preshak would return to his faith in Jesus.
As he continued to follow his friends and seek earthly pleasures, Preshak discovered that these things didn’t satisfy the emptiness he felt in his heart. Somewhere, in the back of his mind, he knew what he was doing was wrong and he started to feel like a slave to alcohol.
Preshak’s life choices left him unable to concentrate on his studies. He began feeling powerless to break out of the bondage he felt and change his ways. Preshak felt lost and confused as he searched to find meaning and purpose in his life. He knew it was not the life God wanted for him.
Thankfully, God used this time in Preshak’s life to bring him back to the loving arms of Jesus. God answered the many prayers lifted on Preshak’s behalf so that he experienced forgiveness and healing as he repented of his mistakes and returned to his Lord and Savior.
Preshak shared his testimony in church and has devoted each day to deepening his relationship with Jesus – living a life that is pleasing to God. God is using Preshak’s experience as he shares his story with other youth and encourages them to follow Jesus. Preshak is doing well in school again and is hopeful for his future. Please pray that he will find a good job and continue to use his story for the glory of God.