Surprem’s Love for Learning Rekindled

10-year-old Surprem’s parents worked tirelessly to provide for the family. But, this often left Surprem and his brother unsupervised.
Surprem was influenced by his friends, neglecting his studies and taking part in harmful habits like consuming tobacco. His parents were concerned but saw no hope for his improvement.
Then, you sent a Children’s Bible Club to his village, and the Bible Club leader invited Surprem to join. Little did his parents know that this invitation would turn Surprem’s life around in a remarkable way.
As the Bible Club leader encouraged Surprem, his passion for learning was rekindled. After only a month, he was mastering math concepts like multiplication—which empowered him to help other children with their math questions!
The Bible Club also influenced Surprem’s behavior positively. He left behind his unhealthy habits and the friends that encouraged that behavior. At the Bible Club, he gained new like-minded friends who shared his enthusiasm for learning.
After learning about Jesus in the Bible Club, Surprem received salvation! He now prays alongside his friends, attending church every Sunday.
Surprem was inspired by his experience in the Bible Club, and now he aspires to be a teacher one day. He’s off to a great start, even helping his brother with his studies at home.
Surprem has brought immense joy to his family, and his parents are exploring the teachings of Jesus.
Will you pray that Surprem’s dream of becoming a teacher will become a reality and that his whole family will receive salvation?