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Sisters Learn to Love One Another

Ezzah and Ragi, sisters in grades 8 and 9, caused strife in their home. Even though they were born into a Christian family and knew the teachings of the Bible, Ezzah and Ragi were filled with jealousy, anger, and hatred. They always fought with one another, leaving their parents fearful when they went to work. Their parents worked as daily wage laborers and didn’t get home until late at night, leaving plenty of time for the girls to cause trouble unsupervised.

The sisters lived in tension with one another. Although their parents tried to convince them that they should value and love one another, they often gave in to their temptations.

Upon hearing of the local Year-Long Children’s Bible Club, the girls’ parents enrolled both Ezzah and Ragi, hopeful that it would improve their behavior. Thankfully, the caring Bible Club leader helped the girls with their education while also sharing the importance of attending church and living a godly life.

After a while, both girls realized that their quarrels were not Christ-like, and yielding to their negative feelings would destroy their life. Both Ezzah and Ragi confessed their behavior to God.

Now, their attitudes have changed! They are obeying their parents and no longer fighting with one another. Ezzah and Ragi are reading the Bible, attending church, and helping with household chores. Their parents are so pleased to see the changes in their children. They’re grateful to the Bible Club leader and, most importantly, God. Let’s pray that their sibling relationship would continue to strengthen as they draw near to Him.