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Kahlila Clings to Jesus Amidst Rejection

Kahlila is the oldest of four children. She and her family followed the religious practices of their culture, participating in many festivals and pilgrimages that they believed would bring them peace and prosperity.

Kahlila’s parents worked long hours and weren’t able to give their children the attention they needed. Given the lack of guidance and discipline from her parents, Kahlila became very self-centered and was known for using bad language and telling lies.

One day, Kahlila started feeling discomfort in her chest. The pain became a regular occurrence and continued to worsen. Kahlila was referred to several doctors and hospitals; however, no one was able to determine the cause of her illness. Kahlila also visited local shrines for prayers but saw no improvement.

As the family continued to spend money on treatments, they became very discouraged and lost all hope that Kahlila’s suffering would end. That is when they met Church Planter Kabilash who was visiting their neighbor. Kahlila’s neighbor worshipped Jesus and held prayer meetings in her home. As she knew about Kahlila’s condition, she invited her to come to her house for prayer. Initially, the family was reluctant, but knowing they had exhausted all other options, Kahlila went to the prayer meeting.

Kabilash shared how merciful the Lord Jesus is and then prayed for Kahlila. This gave Kahlila immediate relief and she began to experience happiness like never before. Even though Kahlila saw some improvement in her health, her parents did not want her to meet with Kabilash again. But Kahlila felt the touch of Jesus and longed to know more about Him.

Kahlila continued to meet with Kabilash who regularly prayed for her. Over the weeks, she received great relief from her pain, but more importantly, she found the joy and peace that only comes from a personal relationship with Jesus.

After receiving Jesus as her Lord and Savior, and sharing the Good News with her friends and family, Kahlila was threatened by them and told to reject her new faith. Some of her best friends would not allow her into their homes, and it seemed that Kahlila had lost all those she felt closest to. Even so, Kahlila proclaimed, “I will never forsake my faith in Jesus, even until my last breath.”

Kahlila firmly believes God has a purpose for suffering and will use it for good. She also believes God will fully heal her one day. She is now an active member in Kabilash’s church and continues to grow in her faith, despite her family’s pressure to reject Jesus. Please pray that Kahlila’s family will also come to know Jesus as their Savior through Kahlila’s unwavering faith and devotion to her Lord.