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Jash Leaves Idols to Serve the True God

Life was good for Jash until his father died, and his mother sent him to a government hostel to finish school. There he was surrounded by idol worshippers, and Jash found himself joining them when he struggled with schoolwork. Fortunately, God was gracious and Jash came to realize the futility of worshipping man-made things. Read how Jash’s testimony as he shares how he is serving Jesus today.

I am married now, but we do not live near my family. I was born into a family that followed Jesus; however, I lost my father when I was just a young boy. Even though my mother was widowed, she had me attend school while living at home through the 5th grade. After that, she could not care for me, so she sent me to study in a government hostel where I was viewed as an orphan.

I struggled a lot in my studies. My teacher and other students in the hostel worshipped idols and participated in many festivals. They told me that if I believed in the idols, too, I would gain knowledge and be able to write better. So, I joined them and bowed down to these things.

When I was older, I came home and heard the message of Jesus again in the church. I realized what I had been told in the hostel was false. Those idols were made of straw and clay, and I saw how insufficient it was to believe in things that man created.

When I returned to the hostel, my mind had changed, and I began to read the Bible and other devotional books. It was then that I came to know the deep love of God.  Now I only believe in the one living God. Today, I am leading a Bible Club where I tell the children how essential it is to pray and read the Bible.

Thanks to God that He revealed the truth about idols to Jash so that he can now share his experience with the children he leads at a Year-Long Children’s Bible Club. Please keep Jash in your prayers; that he may continue to lead children to Jesus and serve God in this important role.