Praising God for Our Program Leaders!

Looking back on 2022, we’re amazed by all of the believers in India who led our programs. Through their hearts for the Gospel, many others were reached by the love of Christ!
Below, we’ve gathered brief testimonies from just a few of the leaders in India who made our programs possible. Check out their stories and join us in praising God for each one!
“While sitting in a worship meeting and listening to the Word, the Lord called me to the ministry through the Word. I am teaching according to the call to preach the Gospel, and the purpose of my life is to minister and make disciples.”
– ABED | Church Planter in Chhattisgarh, India
“God blessed me in all aspects of my life, especially in my studies. I want to be an effective witness of the Lord among our community. Please keep us in your prayers as we witness the Lord, that He will continually protect and use us for His glory.”
– NEDIRA | Adult Literacy teacher in Uttarakhand, India
“There are many children in our tea garden area who don’t know Jesus, so I feel the need to guide them to the Lord. I want to reach them through this Bible Club.”
– RACHI | Children’s Bible Club leader in Assam, India
“My Lord Jesus made everything new in my life. Now, this is a great challenge to me to be a witness for my Lord’s Kingdom and bring the lost souls like me to Him so that they would be saved. This is my vision: to change my country for our Lord Jesus Christ only.”
– RUWA | Children’s Bible Club leader in Odisha, India
We’re inspired by the testimonies shared by each of our program leaders and hope that you are, too! What a blessing it is to partner with them in pursuit of our vision, to see India changed by the love of Christ.