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A Birthday Party Turned Anindo’s Life Around!

Anindo was exposed to alcohol in his formative years, so when his friends suggested using alcohol to cope with his challenges, he drank it heavily. His desire to fit in led to a long-term addiction.

As the years went on, Anindo faced many consequences for his addiction. His academic performance plummeted, his family relationships were chaotic, and no one trusted him. His parents were so distressed his dad even tried beating him in hopes physical discipline would help.

As he entered adulthood, Anindo’s life was still a mess. He was unable to keep a steady career, and his addiction caused problems in his marriage.

But things started to look up for Anindo at a birthday party, of all places. His brother-in-law had recently received Jesus as Savior, and it was evident at the birthday party. Together, guests sang of Jesus’ power, and a Mission India Church Planter named Pandu shared the Gospel.

This was pivotal for Anindo. He confided in Pandu about his addiction and the turbulence within his family. Pandu showed compassion, inviting Anindo to church.

In the following months, Anindo immersed himself in church each Sunday. Over time, he surrounded himself with Christian friends and family. He even changed his lifestyle. Anindo received Christ as his Savior, and so did his wife and mother!

However, Anindo’s uncle saw his new faith as a threat to the family’s religious identity. Things escalated when some of the other villagers joined the uncle’s resistance, threatening to isolate and excommunicate Anindo. Unfortunately, the opposition peaked when Anindo’s uncle cut off all ties with the family.

Despite the turmoil, Anindo and his family remained steadfast in Jesus. They sought the support of their church community — praying together that the persecutors would one day know the saving love of Christ.