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Siamak Finds Sobriety Through an Adult Literacy Class

Siamak is now in his mid-sixties. He grew up with five siblings, but no longer lives near them after leaving the village in search of a job. Siamak is married, with one son and two daughters.

Siamak’s family followed the faith of their culture. His parents were devoted to their religious practices, but Siamak wasn’t really interested. Since his parents were very poor, they didn’t understand the importance of getting an education; so, Siamak never went to school.

From his early childhood, Siamak’s parents taught him how to farm and raise cattle to earn a living. He soon found farming to be hard work and decided to focus on raising cattle instead. While he was still quite young, Siamak picked up some bad habits that would have a significant impact on his life… he started drinking local wine, and smoking and chewing tobacco.

When Siamak was 29, his parents arranged for him to marry Sarasi. Soon, Sarasi gave birth to twins, a boy and a girl. Siamak was so happy he promised his wife he would give up drinking and become a responsible husband. So, for a few weeks, Siamak did not drink.

Siamak’s sobriety didn’t last long because he was addicted. When he began drinking again, things got worse as he started fighting with Sarasi in his drunken state. Also, his ability to work with the cattle was impacted and their income declined.

After a few years, Sarasi gave birth again, and the couple welcomed a little girl. Once again, Siamak promised to stop drinking, but soon things returned to the way they were and there was no joy or peace in their home.

Then Siamak met Birbal, the leader of an Adult Literacy Class in the area. Birbal told Siamak about the program, but Siamak wasn’t sure if it would benefit him. Birbal was confident life could improve for Siamak, and so, Siamak showed up to class willing to check it out.

As it turned out, the Adult Literacy Class was the best thing that ever happened to Siamak. He learned about what alcohol does to the body and it caused him to think twice about his drinking. He also gained social skills as he interacted with the other students. The class helped Siamak present himself better and took away the embarrassment he felt over being ignorant.

Siamak participated in a special health education program offered through the Literacy Class where he learned about the importance of maintaining good health. Siamak saw how his alcoholism was not only damaging his health, but his relationships, too. In class, he found new adventures in learning and soon it was having a very positive impact on Siamak. He saw how many of the students were poor, like him, but they were hard workers, and committed to learning so they could have better lives.

Siamak continues to learn, but it is slow going for him. The best thing about the class so far has been the health education program which changed the way Siamak lives.  Please pray that Siamak stays away from alcohol and tobacco, and that he will, one day, give his life to Jesus.