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One Bible Club, Three Generations Changed!

Maali couldn’t wait to attend her Bible Club every day. She loved participating in all the fun activities with the other kids, from playing games to singing songs to working on homework.

But for Maali, the most compelling part of the Bible Club was learning how to pray to Jesus. Her mother, Madhur, had suffered from mental health problems for as long as she could remember, and Maali became eager to pray for her.

She confided in her Bible Club leader and best friend, asking them both to pray that Madhur would be healed. Maali would go home and share the prayers with her mom, while explaining what she was learning about Jesus.

In support of Maali, the Bible Club leader even came to visit Madhur and prayed over her. When she left, there was a noticeable improvement in Madhur’s health and well-being!

After hearing about Jesus from her daughter and seeing Jesus work in her own life, Madhur became interested in following Him. She and Maali’s father began to embrace the teachings of the Church and recognized the one true God as the only way to Heaven. Madhur turned her life around completely, studying God’s Word daily and devoting herself to prayer and worship!

She was completely released from past troubles and was baptized along with her husband.

Maali’s faith not only prompted her own parents’ change, but also inspired her grandparents, who also submitted their lives to Jesus!

Because of your gifts and prayers for Children’s Bible Clubs, three generations were changed for the glory of God. Thank you for being a part of this family’s story!