April 2023 India Intercessor

Dear Friends,
Just a couple of months ago, I had the opportunity to travel to India and visit some of our ministry partners there. I was reminded of how incredible they are—God is using your prayers to train up Christians who are determined and excited to tell their neighbors about Jesus!
With our Transformation Multiplied Matching Challenge running right now (doubling every dollar given to 10-Day Children’s Bible Clubs), I especially have Bible Club leaders on my mind this month, in terms of people who are doing on-the-ground work in India.
These leaders have such amazing hearts for teaching children about Jesus, and it always starts with their own stories. I want to highlight a few quotes from Bible Club leaders who have shared their testimonies with us:
“When I was 10 years old, I started to attend Sunday school and know more about Jesus Christ. Slowly I began to trust Christ.”
“When I read the Bible and understood the Word of God, my life started changing. Jesus started to use me for His glory.”
“I want to be used as a vessel in the mighty hands of God. I want to serve the Lord among unreached people in my area.”
It’s a beautiful thing to see what motivates people to serve the Kingdom. I hope you’re encouraged by these words from Bible Club leaders!
Will you join me in praying for them this month? Through April 30, gifts toward 10-Day Bible Clubs are being matched up to $400,000, which means Bible Club leaders could have the opportunity to reach 800,000 additional children. Let’s pray for God to speak through each of them!