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An Act of Kindness Changed Niku’s Life!

Ramini and her husband Mantik migrated to Gujarat to find contract labor work. By nature, contract labor is inconsistent, which means their income is, too. They live in a slum with their son Niku, a 10th grader in the local school.

The family’s poverty and living conditions led Niku down a rough path. Other parents in the area weren’t concerned about sending their kids to school regularly, so the neighborhood children were often seen playing in and around the slum, even on school days. From a young age, they would neglect their studies, discipline, and hygiene—developing habits like smoking, pickpocketing, and gambling.

Niku’s friends were specifically interested in gambling. They regularly played cards for money, and they drew Niku in. He had no idea how problematic this could be.

One day, Niku was gambling in the streets with his friends, and the local police caught them and arrested them, taking them to jail. Niku’s distraught parents headed to the police station, where the police demanded bail money. Unfortunately, Mantik was unable to provide it. He tried asking neighbors, but no one would help.

Then, the Church Planter you sent to Mantik’s village, Shamya, heard about Niku and worked with the local court to get him released from jail, giving him a chance to change his ways.

Mantik and Ramini were so moved by Shamya’s kind gesture! After this, Shamya visited the family regularly, praying for Niku to be freed from his gambling habit.

After a few short days, they noticed a profound change in Niku. He became serious about his studies and left behind his gambling addiction. Shamya continued spending time discipling Niku, and it paid off! Niku finally earned good grades, which made Mantik very happy.

The whole family attends the local church every week now, and after hearing the Gospel, they showed interest in Jesus. Will you pray that they receive salvation soon?

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