Sasmit Finds the Good Father

Sasmit grew up in a Christian home, but his family’s faith was more of a title rather than a lifestyle. They never read the Bible or attended a worshipping group. Plus, Sasmit’s parents preferred his older brother and frequently compared the boys’ grades in school. His father felt as though they had wasted money on giving Sasmit an education and often neglected encouraging him in any way.
This caused Sasmit great distress. If his parents didn’t love him, how could God?
Then, a local man named Samudra invited Sasmit and his brother to attend the Children’s Bible Club he led. At first, Sasmit’s parents only gave permission for his brother to attend, but Samudra asked them to reconsider. With a little encouragement, they eventually agreed to let Sasmit attend, but their expectations were low for it to result in any changes in Sasmit’s life.
Sasmit had never experienced anything like the Bible Club before. Samdura was kind and gracious, and he provided space for the children to pray and read the Bible. Through Samudra’s encouragement, Sasmit began to believe that God might actually love him. What if God was the Good Father Sasmit had been longing for? Within no time, Sasmit’s distress turned into hope. His demeanor became joyful, and Sasmit received Jesus as his personal Lord and Savior!
Sasmit’s newfound confidence in Christ impacted his parents, too. His parents have changed the way they interact with their sons, and the home is full of peace. Sasmit never thought this kind of change was possible, but he has seen the love of Christ that makes all things new. Now they all read their Bibles and regularly attend a worshipping group together. The love of Jesus healed their home!
Sasmit’s entire family is following Jesus! Will you pray for Sasmit and his parents to continue building a thriving relationship?