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April 2024 India Intercessor

Dear Friends,

As we grow up, there are people who encourage our faith and disciple us to become more like our Savior. I’m not sure about you, but the people who invested in me at a young age—especially my parents—have impacted my life in amazing ways, and my faith wouldn’t be the same without them.

That’s why I think it’s so incredibly important for us to invest in the next generation. And the Christians in India get this, too. They understand that they are called to disciple and raise up children—just like Thenmoli, a young girl who we will pray for this month.

Thenmoli grew up in the animistic religion her family followed. One day, her friend invited her to a 10-Day Children’s Bible Club—started through your gifts and prayers! Once she joined, she learned good morals through the Bible stories she heard and the action songs she sang. And the best part? She memorized Scripture and learned how to pray!

Here’s where the prayer request comes in: Even though she loves to learn about God, Thenmoli is afraid to become a Christian because her parents follow animism. This breaks my heart!

Your prayers play such a vital role in stories like this—they move the Holy Spirit to change hearts!

And you can pray for the Holy Spirit to change Thenmoli’s heart. On April 4, we will pray that Thenmoli leaves her fear behind and receives salvation.

This month, would you invite someone you disciple to join you in praying for India?

Thank you for your faithful prayers for India!

Together, for India,

Todd VanEk

President & CEO of Mission India

Click here to download prayers for April 2024.