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Parishna Receives Spiritual Life and Joy

Parishna’s story is still unfolding, but likely different from what you’re expecting. Now in her fifties, Parishna lives in a very poor community where most worship the gods of their culture. She has suffered from a mysterious tumor in her stomach for quite some time – despite many medical treatments and costly surgeries.

To pay for Parishna’s medical care, the family was forced to sell their properties. Their lives were in turmoil as Parishna became bedridden. And, right when they needed support from family the most, their relatives distanced themselves as they didn’t want to get involved.

At this low point, the family met Church Planter Manishan, who had heard about Parishna’s condition. He was compassionate as he shared the love and power of Jesus with them, and then he prayed for Parishna’s healing. Manishan’s words gave the family hope and encouragement, so Parishna, her husband, and their two sons began attending Manishan’s church.

This may be where you’d expect to read about Parishna’s miraculous healing; however, she continues to experience pain in her stomach. In addition to her ongoing health issues, Parishna’s one son separated from his wife, and the other suffers from a nerve disorder that resulted from a bad fall when he was just five.

So, this is not a story about physical healing…not yet anyway. Rather it is one of new spiritual life in Jesus! As Manishan continued to support and love the family, they discovered the hope and joy that only comes from a life-giving relationship with Jesus. Despite their challenges and pain, Parishna and her family have received Jesus as their Savior and continue to trust Him with their future – whatever it may hold.

Parishna wants her entire family to know Jesus and asks that we join her in praying for them. Please pray also that God would heal Parishna, and her son, as they give thanks to God and walk with Him each day.