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From Mourning to Dancing

Leela and her two children lived in dark despair for years with an abusive husband and father. Despite her efforts to keep her family united, Leela was eventually forced out of her home and became a single mom.

Though Leela and her children were able to move in with Leela’s mother, their financial situation worsened. Leela tried to improve her life by worshipping idols but only found more distress. She desperately wanted to educate her children and give them the life they deserved, but it didn’t seem possible.

But then, Leela heard the Gospel from Raafe, a Church Planter you supported, who encouraged her to devote her life to Jesus. The news of a God who offered peace and happiness brought Leela immense relief, and her anxieties started to fade! Raafe continued to minister to her, praying and sharing Scripture.

With her new knowledge of Jesus Christ, Leela began to pray fervently for the education and support of her kids. God miraculously gave Leela resources to provide her children with the life she desired for them! Her kids began taking interest in the teachings of Jesus and received Him as their personal Savior!

The Gospel changed Leela’s heart, which then changed her kids’ eternity. Today, Leela serves her church and testifies that God changed her mourning into dancing. God’s Word is changing one life at a time, and it is impacting generations. We’re so grateful that you are a part of this through your prayers and generosity!