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God Opens a Door for Minoti 

Jesus tells us in Matthew 7:7, “knock and the door will be opened to you.” He invites us to share in His inheritance of Heaven—all we must do is reach out a hand and knock. And that’s exactly what Minoti did.

Before she could knock, however, Minoti had to overcome some barriers. Prior to encountering Christ, Minoti felt like the walls were closing in around her. For as long as she could remember, every day of her life was marked by struggle. As a married mother of three children, it was Minoti’s responsibility to manage the household, but she didn’t have the resources to do it well. Minoti couldn’t read, write, or do basic math and didn’t know the first thing about managing finances. Minoti felt like she was running out of time, chances, and air.

In this state, Minoti learned about an Adult Literacy Class starting near her home. At first, Minoti’s husband was resistant to letting her attend, but Minoti was persistent, and he agreed. 

Initially, Minoti struggled with the most basic literacy skills, like recognizing characters and learning how to hold a pencil, but she was insistent that she push herself. Through her hard work, Minoti began to see the walls that had previously entrapped her for what they were: doorways.

Minoti first walked through the threshold of literacy. After four months, she could read her lessons, write words independently, and perform basic calculations. 

Next came the door of empowerment. Through a special training on health and hygiene offered through the Literacy Class, Minoti learned the value of looking after her family’s health. Her eyes were also opened to important issues like environmental sustainability and gender discrimination. This newfound knowledge empowered her to start a new business, open a bank account, and start saving for her family’s financial future. 

Minoti nearly pried off the hinges of these doors with her tenacity and perseverance. Finally, she stood before one that required nothing but a knock. 

Throughout her lessons, Minoti learned about Jesus through the Gospel. The words she struggled to read and write came from His book. As Minoti read, she pondered, and as she wrote, she felt a stirring in her spirit. Soon, these words sank in so deep that she began to feel the truth of them in her heart. With trembling hands, she knocked.

Today, Minoti continues to explore her faith in Christ. However, due to societal discrimination, she fears the repercussions of sharing her faith publicly. Will you pray for protection over Minoti as she finds the strength to overcome the barriers that keep her from worshipping Christ openly?