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Dhairya and Wife Reconnect with Jesus!

Growing up, Dhairya’s family had knowledge of Jesus, but they chose to follow the religion of their culture. Wanting to fit in with his friends, Dhairya walked on pilgrimages, sacrificed goats and hens to various deities, and followed the customs of his community.

Dhairya married a good woman, Manini, who took on most of the responsibility for managing their home and raising the children. She grew up in a family that claimed to follow Jesus, although she had very little knowledge of Him.

Dhairya was employed as a railway worker who, over time, became addicted to alcohol. Eventually, his drunken behavior caused him to lose his job which left the family with no income.

Manini continued to do what she could to care for Dhairya and their family as Dhairya sunk into a deep depression. Thinking he was possessed by evil, Dhairya’s friends tried to convince him to go to witch doctors for help. They also suggested he go on pilgrimages and sacrifice to the gods to get relief from his troubles; and so, Manini took Dhairya to the various places they were advised to visit, but nothing changed.

One day, Church Planter Ratul and his wife came to visit Dhairya and Manini. They shared the Gospel of Jesus with them, which stirred up memories from their past. Given Dhairya and Manini were both aware of Jesus, they listened intently to Ratul and felt regret in their hearts for not following Jesus in the past.

Ratul and his wife encouraged Dhairya and Manini to join them at church…to reconnect with the one, true God. Ratul visited the couple frequently and prayed for them. Over time, Dhairya and his family realized they had neglected Jesus and sinned against God. They confessed their sins and now attend church regularly.

Dhairya’s family believes in Jesus, and they trust God with their lives! Dhairya stopped drinking alcohol and is now happy every day. He found work as a painter and earns enough money to support the family. Dhairya and Manini care for each other and have become very responsible with their finances. Praise God for their transformation! Pray that they continue to remain firm in their faith.