A Dream of Literacy Comes True

Kebira was born into a poor Christian family. Her parents were illiterate, finding daily wage jobs that never allowed for Kebira to get an education. Later in life, Kebira married Ernesh, a tea garden worker, and together they had two sons.
Kebira and Ernesh knew the value of education, so they sent their children to school. They had to work hard to make this possible – but the difficulties of providing for their children were just the beginning of the family’s hardships. Ernesh was a good husband but was addicted to alcohol, which eventually took his life.
After his death, Kebira felt lonely and depressed. Regardless of feeling this way, Kebira continued to work to take care of her children. Her eldest son dropped out of school after the eighth grade to help provide for the family while her younger son continued his education in a government school. Kebira persists as a daily wager while her oldest son launched a little business selling the produce of their field while also assisting his mother in daily work. Kebira regretted not being educated, as it caused her to be timid when facing hardship.
Then one day, Adult Literacy teacher Preyasi met Kebira and shared about an Adult Literacy Class that had just begun in the community. Preyasi shared the benefits of the Literacy Class with Kebira and she became enthusiastic and grateful for the chance to attend. Despite being a single parent, farming in agricultural work daily, and caring for the household, Kebira had a passion to learn, so she made time to enroll herself in the Literacy Class. She made the class a priority and began improving her reading and writing skills.
Kebira is grateful for the Literacy Class and has a sense of joy in her, even though she isn’t fully literate quite yet. She has even started to mingle with the other women in the Literacy Class, glad to be surrounded by community. She sings motivational songs and after hearing about Jesus from Preyasi, Kebira began attending church and praying at home with her family.
In the Literacy Class, she also learned about living a healthy life. She now maintains cleanliness in and around her home as well as eating fresh and nutritious foods she gets from the fields. She has also learned the importance of saving her money.
Kebira testifies that she learned all of these things from the Literacy Class. She continues to practice reading and writing and hopes to read the Bible soon. Pray for her salvation and that her two sons will also come to know Christ.