Simple, Healthy Changes Can Change Your Life

Where does caring for yourself fall on your to-do list? Come on, be honest. Some days it may not make the list at all.
It can be easy to spend our days caring for those around us and paying little attention to our own needs. In fact, it’s so common that there’s now an entire marketing movement around “self-care.”
But true self-care goes way beyond face masks and pedicures. It’s putting down the coffee and picking up your water bottle. It’s reading a book instead of scrolling your phone at night. It’s making that doctor’s appointment even though you really don’t want to bother.
Can you imagine not knowing the basic habits that would care for your mind and body? For millions of uneducated Indian women, this is their sad reality. Subeena was one of those women; her lack of knowledge almost ruined her health.
Subeena dearly loved being a wife and mother. Her days were filled with laughter and joy as she played with her kids, prepared their meals, and took care of her home.
But then, when Subeena gave birth to her third child, she had to undergo surgery. The doctor advised her to rest and not to lift her children, but she didn’t understand why, so she continued as normal.
Subeena’s health declined rapidly. She became weak, fatigued, and unable to take care of her kids or home. In the past, it had taken Subeena just a few weeks to recover from giving birth, but this time, her weakness persisted far beyond that, worrying the whole family. Gone were laughter and joy; in their place were fear and uncertainty.
Despite her challenges, Subeena’s husband convinced her to join an Adult Literacy Class in their village, certain it could be worthwhile. When Subeena attended the class’s special trainings focused on health and hygiene, she learned about various causes of sickness and fatigue, as well as the postpartum recovery process.
Empowered by this knowledge, Subeena immediately took charge of her health. She followed the doctor’s orders, prioritizing adequate sleep, taking daily vitamins, and adopting a more nutritious diet.
Within a couple of weeks, Subeena’s energy began to return. Eventually, though it once felt impossible, Subeena felt like her old self again! Subeena and her family are beyond grateful for the knowledge she gained through the Literacy Class—knowledge which truly changed her life and health forever. How can you follow Subeena’s example to take charge of your own health and well-being?
- Pray that Subeena and her family’s hearts would be receptive to the Gospel and that they receive salvation.
- Ask God if you are prioritizing your physical, emotional, and spiritual health appropriately. Allow Him to reveal where your priorities need to be realigned.
Take Action
- Watch this video to learn more about how God uses Mission India to reach other families like Subeena’s.
- Choose one thing you can do this week to take better care of your physical or mental health. Write it down or text a friend to hold you accountable.