A Door Opened for Education

Phutika was born into a poor family that worked in agriculture. Every family member was uneducated because their village didn’t have any reputable schools. Unfortunately, commuting to a school in a neighboring village wasn’t an option either—it was a long walk through a thick jungle.
Given her background, Phutika never thought she’d be able to gain an education. But then, when Phutika was 14 years old, you sent an Adult Literacy Class to her village. Yes, the class was intended for illiterate adults—but Phutika’s eagerness to learn caught the attention of the Adult Literacy Class teacher. When Phutika was invited to join, her parents agreed to the opportunity, and she regularly attended. After just a few months, Phutika was able to read and write!
Noticing Phutika’s dedication, the Adult Literacy teacher contacted his mentor, who happened to run a local Christian school. The Adult Literacy teacher and his mentor approached Phutika’s parents, inviting her to enroll in the school.
Thanks to the lessons she learned in the Adult Literacy Class, Phutika was able to enroll in the fourth grade. She was a very diligent student. After only two months, her success was noticed, and she was promoted to the sixth grade!
Today, Phutika attends the church service in her Christian school and has learned to sing worship songs and pray to Jesus. Her parents often attend the church services as well.
Would you pray that Phutika and her parents receive salvation soon?