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Physically Healed and Rescued from Legalism

Nathin was a kind and diligent man who gave his best every day, complete with a smile on his face. He cherished his wife and two children and provided for them by farming his family land. Even when he faced challenges, Nathin was known to stay positive and find a solution.

Nathin’s positivity was anchored in his legalistic religious beliefs. He believed that if he followed his gods’ superstitions and performed the required rituals, he would experience continued blessings.

Naturally, Nathin’s belief system was rocked when he was suddenly struck with unbearable head-to-toe pain. He and his family tried every folk remedy, obscure ritual, and sacrifice they knew of, but Nathin’s pain only worsened. They even took Nathin to the hospital, but none of the tests offered conclusive answers, so the doctors couldn’t provide him treatment.

Now confined to his bed to suffer through each day, Nathin’s optimistic spirit withered away. Scared and empty, Nathin had little hope of relief, let alone recovery.

When a neighbor suggested that Nathin’s family take him to the nearby Christian church to be prayed for, they were highly skeptical but desperate enough to try anything. At the church, they met Premrang, a Church Planter being trained through Mission India and the pastor of the church. Premrang prayed for Nathin and shared the Gospel with the family.

Nathin and his family kept coming back to church, praying, learning, and seeking God through His Word. Premrang continually prayed for Nathin’s healing, and as he and his family joined in prayer, he began to get better. During one of Premrang’s many visits to pray for Nathin, Nathin renounced his old religion and received salvation in Jesus. Emotionally, Nathin was freed from despair. Soon, his body was also fully restored!

Praise God for healing Nathin and rescuing him from a false religion of legalism. Please pray that many others also find freedom in Christ through Nathin’s testimony.