Miraculously Healed from Loneliness and Disease

Sahat and his family were poor, and this greatly affected their livelihood. It was especially problematic when Sahat dealt with a breathing problem. His parents spent most of their money consulting doctors looking for an answer. After being dismissed by many doctors but still continuing to suffer, his family wouldn’t come near and only talked to him from a distance.
As people began avoiding him, Sahat began to feel lonely. The doctors put him on bedrest for two months, only isolating him more. Amazingly, they also advised him to go to a church in hopes that he could be healed there. His parents tried taking him, but the pastor was unavailable. So, his father sought out other options: he took Sahat to witchdoctors, who cheated them by promising a cure but fleeing before Sahat found relief.
One day, Sahat was lying in bed when a group of government healthcare workers came knocking on the door. He told them his problems and after a few days, they diagnosed him with tuberculosis.
Sahat and his family were heartbroken at the news. He was given medication right away and was told to stay away from his family for a while.
During this time, he began feeling lonely again. His family again only talked to him from a distance and his friends stopped visiting him. He was all alone in his room, hoping for his situation to change soon.
Then, one day, Church Planter Vijesh talked to Sahat’s parents. Vijesh went near Sahat and showed him love, saying Jesus would heal him if he believed in Him. Sahat feared that he would die soon but found hope after talking to the Vijesh.
After Vijesh laid hands on Sahat and prayed for him, Sahat was miraculously healed by Jesus!
Vijesh took Sahat to church and he was filled with peace of mind. Today, Sahat and his whole family have received Jesus as their personal Savior! Sahat loves to listen to the story of the Good Samaritan and is encouraged by the love God is showing toward him and his family.
Sahat desires to share his testimony with his friends so he can bring them to the saving knowledge of Jesus, too. Pray that he and his family stay committed to the Lord.