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February 2024 India Intercessor

Dear Friends,

Growing up, my parents instilled the importance of God’s Word in me. As a child, they would pay me 10 cents for every verse I memorized. While I was motivated by the money then, the practice of memorizing Scripture has carried me in life. God captured my heart then through what my parents were doing.

We see God do this for people in India, too. Every day, God is capturing hearts as people hear the Gospel for the very first time. Each of our programs is built on a foundation of Scripture, and as people hear the Word of God, they are moved to salvation and a deeper relationship with Jesus.

Equipping believers in India with the Word of God has been the heartbeat of Mission India from the very beginning. As some of you may remember, when John DeVries first founded Mission India, it was called Bibles for India! John’s heart was to bring Scripture to the people of India – and we still carry out that work today.

Bibles are placed through each of our programs, equipping new believers with the hope and encouragement they need when they face opposition to their new faith. When they are mocked, outcast, or abused, they find solace in God’s Word – reminding them who and whose they are.

Will you pray Isaiah 55:11 over India this month, asking that the Scripture placed in India will “achieve the purpose for which [God] sent it”?

Together, for India,

Todd VanEk

President & CEO of Mission India

Click here to download prayers for February 2024.