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Basking in His Light

India is a nation steeped in spiritual darkness. Even in the small village that Janya and her family live in—which from the outside looks like a quaint picture of quiet living—oppression lingers.

Tragedy struck Janya’s family when her father died in a farming accident. Janya’s mother became solely responsible for raising and caring for her three daughters. Janya had dreams of helping her mother support the family, but she was constantly plagued with mysterious illnesses. She could not help but feel like these illnesses were spiritual in nature—especially since some of her relatives practiced witchcraft. At the age of 23, Janya felt like she was being attacked, but she didn’t know where to turn for refuge.

Then, Church Planter Dhaval heard about the struggles of Janya’s family and decided to reach out with the comfort of the Gospel. Janya shared with him her belief that evil forces were the cause of her illness.

“Evil fears the power of God”

“Evil fears the power of God,” Dhaval shared. That same power, Dhaval said, had the power to bless Janya and her family with joy and happiness in Jesus’ name.

Janya heard the truth in Dhaval’s words and sought refuge in the local church. Through prayer and worship, Janya felt firsthand the power of God that could release her from the bondage of sin and evil. Janya experienced Christ’s healing touch and decided to embrace a new way of life, leaving behind the shadows to soak in the warmth of Jesus’ love!

Now, with unwavering trust in Jesus, Janya is preparing to take further steps in her faith. Pray that her faith will draw others in her community to the love of Jesus.